A drug-free, nonsurgical approach to healing your injury.
At Wellness Center for Healing, Dr. Katrina Babcock and the team utilize treatments focusing on the body’s natural ability to heal itself without surgery. If an injury has caused your condition, our hands-on techniques, injections, and other homeopathic methods are designed to diagnose and treat your condition. Whether you have an old or new injury, our treatments are proven and have been used to help thousands of patients recover fully.
Below are some of the most common conditions that can be caused by injuries and the treatments we offer that can help you heal. There is no such thing as one size fits all when treating each individual patient, but treatments like Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or Prolotherapy may be recommended for these injuries, depending on the type, severity, and age of the injury.
Other conditions and issues can arise from old injuries or repetitive motions. Below are some injuries that can cause these conditions, which might be treated with PRP, Prolotherapy or Hyaluronic Acid.
Many other conditions can be caused by injuries due to sports, a car accident, fall or head trama.
Wellness Center for Healing specializes in many other injuries and conditions that are not listed. Everything from child sports injuries, to equestrian injuries are often treated at our practice. If you have any questions please contact us and we will make sure you body’se the best care possible and are on your way to living the life you deserve.
Contact us to book your appointment: 805-379-9911
Thousand Oaks, 325 Rolling Oaks Dr, Suite 220